Hope Children’s Centre

We are a local NGO, non-sectarian, non-discriminatic, non-religious biased and above all is a local Community Initiated educational Institution that offers formal and vocational education to mainly the less privileged Children with most emphasis on Orphans.

Orphans are in a global crisis millions not thousand children every year are orphaned by the death of either or both parents.

AIDS/HIV is quickly becoming the Original cause of parental death in addition to natural disasters, wars, economic and social processes.

Our Mission

To Instill The Word of God Spiritually, Morally, Physically,, Mentally, Socially, Empower and educate the children in formal and skills acquisition through vocational/Technical education and capacity building hence becoming job creators other than job seekers and God fearing citizens of the nation.

Our Objectives

– To offer vocational training skills to the less privileged children in order to live a sustainable life

– To offer formal education to the less privileged and orphaned children

– Creation of scholarship/sponsorship fund for the AIDS orphaned Children

Challenges We Face

– Dormitories to accommodate the big number of children

– Expansion of classrooms to avoid the current congestion

– Dining hall construction to avoid having meals under trees

– Sponsorship program for the orphaned children at the Centre

$5000 Needed Donation

Help Us Raise Funds

$3025 Needed Donation

Our Partners