Who We Are

Hope Children’s Centre formally Christ Our Hope Orphanage Centre is a local NGO, non-sectarian, non-discriminating, non-religious biased and above all is a local Community Initiated educational Institution that offers formal and vocational education to mainly the less privileged Children with most emphasis on Orphans.

Orphans are in a global crisis millions of children every year are orphaned by the death of parents.

AIDS/HIV is quickly becoming the Original cause of parental death in addition to natural disasters, wars, economic and social processes. Millions are projected to be orphaned due to AIDS scourge in the Sub Saharan Africa.

Our Mission

To Instill The Word of God Spiritually, Morally, Physically, Mentally, Socially, Empower and educate the children in formal and skills acquisition through vocational/technical education and capacity building hence becoming job creators other than job seekers and God fearing citizens of the nation.


To have a sustainable development through formal and vocational/technical education and above all to have faith and hope in Jesus Christ


Hope Children’s Centre (Christ Our Hope Orphanage Centre) was established in 1994 by the Community on realization the burden of the growing number of the helpless orphans left after the death of their parents from the deadly disease of AIDS/HIV yet with no assured education for their future to live a better life.

Among the Communities where Hope Children’s Centre is situated in Wakiso Sub-county, nearly 49% of the children have lost at least a parent and many of these children do stay with relatives or guardians hence stretching a family size and increasing family pressure which result in not affording school fees dues, If not addressed it will lead children to leave the villages to towns and city for petty cash jobs and many end up as street children and pickpocketers especially for boys and early marriages and unwanted pregnancies for girls

AIDS/HIV is a deadly Killer disease!!! Children are often it’s silent victims. Together with you, we can help them to be self-reliant, hence job creator after the formal and vocational education from Hope Children’s Cente